速報APP / 醫療 / CNY Fertility

CNY Fertility


檔案大小:61 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


CNY Fertility(圖1)-速報App

At CNY Fertility, we provide comprehensive and affordable fertility solutions to clients worldwide, while blending Eastern and Western techniques. We offer phone and Skype consults to connect to anyone, anywhere. We are making priceless affordable™. No client is turned away due to age. We provide state-of-the-art fertility solutions for the most complicated IVF cases and incorporate customized immunological treatment for all clients. CNY Fertility Center focuses on Reproductive Immunology in the treatment of recurrent pregnancy loss, unexplained infertility and unsuccessful IVF attempts. Continued research in this area reveals the direct effects of the immune system on pregnancy outcomes.

Download our app to stay up to date with the latest in fertility treatments, affordable financing options, fertility calculators, and Dr. Kiltz providing the best fertility advice for your mind, body, and health.

CNY Fertility(圖2)-速報App

CNY Fertility(圖3)-速報App

CNY Fertility(圖4)-速報App
